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Category Guatemala

Fear vs. Obedience

I have to admit to you, lately, I’ve been afraid. How many times have I gone down this path and failed? And now I walk the road again, with failures beating at my door. They want to come in and make me…

The Mayan Woman

She carries her livelihood on her head So her family can be fed So simple, but beautiful   She carries her child on her side When she leaves, he always cries So simple, but beautiful   The colors on her…


God promised Abraham a son, and a multitude of peoples that would come from that son. Then, He tests Abraham and asks him to sacrifice his only son. As he is about to sacrifice Isaac, the Lord intervenes and says, “Do not lay…

Am I Gum or Money?

One of our friends has a high school ministry where they teach morals and biblical principals. When students want to know more about Christ, they have a small group once a week in each school location. Our friend needed someone…


It’s been a long time in coming, I know, thank you for sticking with me. After a year and a half at home, I’ve finally made it down to Guatemala. I definitely had my doubts and trials along the way,…