
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So here is how God used the vision previously posted to change my life. 🙂
      In order to explain this fully, I’m going to tell you about about a project we worked on for five weeks. The assignment was to pick a place in the world and develop the life that we would have in five years. I picked Minnesota. I’ve never been there, but it sounds awesome. Well, pretty soon after I chose my place, God started taking that desire away from me and sparking a new desire within me…
      Insert The Vision! When one of the leaders read that to us, it got me pumped! I wanted so badly to be a part of it! I was confused as to how our group could be something like the vision described because we would only be together for two months. So I was stumped. Then one fine morning while strolling around a lake, it came to me. An idea so crazy to me entered my head… What if this group continued this community after The Novas Project was over? We could send people out on missions and live communally- like in Acts how believers had all things in common. The more I thought about it, two things were surfacing. One was the growing passion I had to give up everything and anything to live radically for Jesus and live in this community. The other was a fear. A fear of other people rejecting it. A fear that it wouldn’t happen. How could I ask people to give up their future plans?… how could I keep it inside? I wrestled with this for awhile and began to think that maybe God gave me that idea to get me to a place of willingness to give everything up for Him… but that didn’t make sense because I was already at that place…
     I figured I would tell everyone when we did our 5 year presentations and see how it goes. I had to wait for about a week, and in that week I discovered others that had the same idea. Whispers of starting a community after Novas were getting around, without me having said anything! It definitely looks like a community will be starting after Novas, though a lot of the details are unknown and a lot of prayer still needed. I’m still discovering what it means for my future and will let you know! With anything that happens, I’m so excited for what God is doing and going to do. !

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalms 37:34

One response to “5-Year Revolution”

  1. Radical,,, Jenny, sorry we seemed to not conect, am at Kevin’s. You are a true warrior for Christ,,, I love you.