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Thoughts & Inspiration

 Here are some God Stories/Journal Entries. Enjoy!
 Goodmorning Sunshine!
     So there are lots of bugs in Mexico, and as a result, lots of bug bites. Here, when we say, ‘don’t let the bed bugs bite!’ we really mean it. They were being abnormally itchy this particular monday morning at around 3:30am. After scratching for awhile and failed attempts at sleep, I got up to spend some time with the Big Guy. I grabbed my books and headed off to the Middle room. Then God was like, ‘Hey, let’s have breakfast’, so I got a bowl of cereal before I went upstairs to read. After an hour of that, I tried to sleep for an hour until I heard voices coming from downstairs. I went down with the intention to commune at 5:30am and discovered that the noise was everyone waking up and getting ready to leave. At 5:30am. I had to get ready in a hurry and didn’t have time for the breakfast they were serving. Isn’t that awesome?! God woke me up extra early so I could spend time with Him and eat breakfast before heading out for the day. Who knew? Ha!
 Fruity Love
      So I’d been hitting a rut and getting frustrated: I couldn’t see any fruits of the things I was doing. I would pray for people to get healed… nothing. I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong. I know that our fruit is not our own and a lot of it we’re never going to see ourselves, but isn’t there supposed to be some evidence that God is moving? Then, that night Jonathan Almanzar taught about the fruits of the spirit, or the one fruit: Love. Isn’t it amazing how the teaching or sermon exactly addresses what you’ve been dealing with that day or week? That happens a lot to me- so cool! Bringing it back, Jon was saying how there’s one fruit of the spirit, love, and the following words in the verse are describing love. I had been thinking that to see my fruits would be to heal the sick or cast out demons… but love? It totally changed my perspective! I still don’t know exactly what that looks like, but I’m having fun figuring it out! Hmm… Love. Think about it.
Praise the Lord!

God is constantly on my mind, and when I do get discouraged, mostly because of my surroundings or my failures, it just takes a couple of minutes to refocus and I think of how awesome God is and that He’s completely in control. I’ve been waking up at 6am lately to spend time with the Lord, and it’s an incredible way to start the day off!
    I want to spend time with people and get to know them, but also want to be reading the bible all the time and be spending time with Him. I do feel torn, but at the same time I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. He is with me always. I just love life. Love God. Love living my life for God.     
     I’ve been trying to use more expressions and excitement because… why not? God gave them to us! I love surprising people.

    I love finding God in everything. I mean, He choses to do little things to take care of me and not just the other huge ways. God’s so good! I’m learning to be totally fine with anything that happens and to not let those little things bog me down. And to think that maybe those little things aren’t just for me, but it turns into a God story that I can share and bring glory to God! 🙂

One response to “Diddly Doos”

  1. My cup runneth over!
    To see that you are His and loving it~there is nothing more
    wonderful in the world, that could bring me more
    joy than this…thank you Jen