This is a journal entry from the first month, with a few changes:
Let me tell you about some good stuff! We were talking about the Genesis debate. I had barely read up on it and didn’t really care exactly how it works because God is so mysteriously wonderful and I know that I’ll probably never know until I can talk to Him- though I probably wont be concerned about how old the Earth is. So I spent the entire time marveling at what God created and as to why He created it. We’ve been reading this awesome book called Crabgrass and Oak Trees which states in the intro that God created things to reflect Him… Like the sun as an image of Him. That blew my mind! I was looking at my hands and feet and pondering at the fact that God could’ve made us however He wanted and this is how He chose to do it- not to mention the creativity and uniqueness of all He created. I was trying to imagine smiling and laughing and how that reflects God, our emotions and expressions- everything!
Then Jesse said he wanted everyone to look at God’s creation and worship Him for it- exactly what I’d been doing! Everyone began talking of things of God’s creation that amaze them. I’ve thought of two in particular since: Marriage (even though I’m not married) and how it reflects God’s relationship with us, the church. Also… cookies! How you can put a bunch of stuff together, heat it up, and out comes deliciousness! These are two of an endless amount of things you can find amazement in and glorify God. Try it!
After awhile of that, people started singing, and the urge I’d been feeling all night was surfacing- to go outside and shout and whoop and dance and spin and jump in His creation. After some hesitation I calmly walked outside, stood there for a few seconds, then just let loose! It was so freeing and I was so jovial. It ended sooner than I wanted, but it was good! By that time I was ready to go to bed.
As I was headed off to bed, the Spirit intervened and used me to help out a brother and sister in need. I was so glad I was in that position so the spirit could use me. It amazes me how if you’re open and willing, God can work through you any time, any place. You can find God in EVERYTHING!
Here are some pictures. To God alone be the glory! Amen