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Thoughts & Inspiration

Diddly Doos

 Here are some God Stories/Journal Entries. Enjoy!    Goodmorning Sunshine!      So there are lots of bugs in Mexico, and as a result, lots of bug bites. Here, when we say, ‘don’t let the bed bugs bite!’ we really…

Soli Deo Gloria

   This is a journal entry from the first month, with a few changes:   Let me tell you about some good stuff! We were talking about the Genesis debate. I had barely read up on it and didn’t really…

Chic Flado Noodlers

Hey! Sorry it’s been awhile, but sure enough sure, here’s a blog! Let me tell you an overview of what life here in Mexico has been like: So when we first got here, we went into three days of solitude.…

Yours Truely

History As you know, my name’s Jenny and I grew up in a small town called Anchor Point, Alaska. After high school, I attended a year at Alaska Bible Institute. The year following I went on a mission trip with…